2023 Participants

Learn more about the people & organizations whose work is part of Celluloid Now.

Filmmakers & artists

The filmmakers and artists whose work is part of Celluloid Now 2023 are:

With repertory selections from:

Tatsu Aoki
Sharon Couzin
Keewatin Dewdney
Peter Kubelka
Rose Lowder
Heather McAdams
Tomonari Nishikawa
Edward Owens

Tom Palazzolo
Jean Sousa
Deborah Stratman
Madeline Tourtelot
Jim Trainor
Judith Wardwell
and anonymous filmmakers

Film labs & providers of technical services

The film labs and other providers of technical services that contributed to the films shown in Celluloid Now include:

Some films were made without the involvement of a lab: developed by the filmmakers themselves in home darkrooms, or were totally handmade, with no chemical lab work at all.

Distributors & archives

Most of the films in Celluloid Now are self-distributed by the filmmakers who made them, but others are cared for by archives and film distributors, including: